A new, easy tool to help startups analyze their funding needs and sharpen their funding strategy.
The Startup Funding Canvas helps startups and investors to reflect on their funding strategy and formulate smart propositions in an early stage by a using a simple 3-step method: know yourself, make a choice and get smart.
Startups are often looking for funding and talking to investors without knowing their needs and or having insights about what sort of funding fits their ventures lifecycle. Investors on the other hand sometimes don’t have enough knowledge about what startups need, or are not aware of specific terms in funding contracts that can damage the growth potential of a startup. The Startup Funding Canvas will help fill the knowledge gap between startups and investors and lead to better financial matches and more smart funding.
The Startup Funding Canvas is an initiative of StartupDelta and was developed in cooperation with investors and startups.
Constantijn van Oranje, special envoy of StartupDelta: “ The Startup Funding Canvas is a tool that helps startups analyze their funding needs and funding strategy early on, so they don’t waste a lot of time, and money, in talking to investors who can’t offer what they need. In this way the Smart Funding Canvas can contribute to a more professional and processed funding system for startups.”
The Startup Funding Canvas was launched in a beta-version. StartupDelta welcomes all feedback from startups, investors and other experts this summer. The definite version will be presented during Amsterdam Capital Week (25-29 September), the place for investors and startups to meet and make matches.
Please visit the website: http://startupfundingcanvas.com/ and tell us what you think!