While you may be on holidays, we’ve selected last weeks news so you stay up to date wherever you may be! If you think we’re missing updates, don’t hesitate to send your news and press releases to [email protected]. No features guaranteed
News & Updates
This years LOEY Awards candidates were announced and we’re happy to see two women and much growth in their selection.
Sharepeople helps entrepreneurs’ insurances
Sharepeople launched last week and tries to help out independent workers with insurance. The traditional option isn’t affordable for most independents and Sharepeople created a way to help them out. They also participated at last weeks StartupBootcamp Demoday. Sharepeople isn’t the only social startup, read on about LipoCoat and Startup in Residence too!
BB Capital made an impact investment in Travel Health Group.
The amount isn’t public, but the investment will be used for international growth and innovation. It’s Tropicare’s mission to stop malaria by 2030, so no lack of ambition here.
Monday reads
Our guest post about how to move from startup to scale up is a good start.
If you want to learn more about the ICO-hype which is happening, Ronald Kleverlaan wrote an interesting post.
No clue why ICO’s are so popular? Because tokens are eating the world!
We’re a little sad to read about the situation in Poland, new regulation will hit the startup industry hard according to TechCrunch. We are so lucky Dutch politics are positively involved and we have our startup icons like Neelie Kroes and Prince Constantijn to protect us!
Plenty is a vertical farming startup willing to change the world. With investors like Jeff Bezos and Eric Schmidt onboard, this should be reality soon. We absolutely encourage investors to put their money in sustainable startups and ideas, so we all profit from a better world!
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