Funding for breast cancer screening solution
5 March, 2021 by
Funding for breast cancer screening solution
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MedTech startup SigmaScreening, a 2010 spin-off of the Academic Medical Centre of Amsterdam (AMC), secured investment from the Participation Fund of De Friesland Insurance (DFZ).

The fund took an undisclosed share in the company last week. SigmaScreening develops a mammography solution that prevents unnecessary pain during breast cancer screening.

The solution addresses over compression, by taking into account the individual breast size and particular compression needed for a clear mammogram. This not only significantly reduces the pain that patients experience, but also optimizes image quality.

Every year, 150 million women around the world, and half a million in The Netherlands, are tested for breast cancer. The innovation was developed in cooperation with the AMC, which also successfully operated the product.


The startup will use the investment to further introduce the solution to the hospital and screening market.

“This innovative product will be accepted by the market more readily than if it were a radically new technology”, predicts Ivo Aarninkhof, director of SigmaScreening.

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