Public consultation on the review of the European Venture Capital Funds (EuVECA) and European Social Entrepreneurship Funds (EuSEF) regulations
5 March, 2021 by
Public consultation on the review of the European Venture Capital Funds (EuVECA) and European Social Entrepreneurship Funds (EuSEF) regulations
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The European Commission is launching a consultation on the review of the European Venture Capital Funds (EuVECA) regulation (No 345/2013) and European Social Entrepreneurship Funds (EuSEF) regulation (No 346/2013) with a view to improve the take-up of these funds as part of the Action Plan package. These specialist venture capital investment funds have been available since 2013 but only a small number of funds set up as EuVECA and EuSEF have so far been launched.

This consultation supports the objective of Capital Markets Union which is to facilitate a greater flow of capital from willing investors into the real economy. This consultation is part of the Action Plan package and takes up the replies received in the CMU consultation. It requests more details as to where and how the regulations could be changed without reducing the existing levels of investor protection.

Target group

All citizens and organisations are welcome to contribute to this consultation. Contributions are particularly sought from respondents who have an interest and/or expertise in venture capital and/or social entrepreneurship.

How to submit your response

Please visit the website of the European Commission for the consultation, here.

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