Investment entities in healthcare Fundis and Noaber Ventures together with InnovationQuarter have started FundIQare, a new incubator fund for startups in elderly care and special (long term) care.
The fund (no website yet) is looking at every aspect of long term care, like revalidation, nursery, vitality and mobility. The funds wants to invest in solutions for the elderly, the chronicly ill and support for care workers. It is aimed at innovations offered by entrepreneurs and need to add value to the province of South Holland.
FundIQare is operating on a regional level at first. The startups can however grow to a nationwide success, said Jacqueline van Wijngaarden, financial director of Fundis to StartupJuncture. According to her, the three parties each contribute max. 2 million euro to the fund. It is investing up to 500.000 euro per innovation – with a co-investor that amount of course might get higher.
The launch of FundIQare means the second new fund for the South Holland province in a short time. Less than a month ago InnovationQuarter announced UNIIQ, a proof-of-concept fund of 22 million euro.
Edit August 1, 2016: The three parties renamed their fund from FundIQ to FundIQare, as there was already a fund with that previous name.
Image: mcmurryjulie @ Pixabay