Dutch startups raise €264 million in 2016 – a mighty year for medtech
5 March, 2021 by
Dutch startups raise €264 million in 2016 – a mighty year for medtech
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In 2016 Dutch startups altogether raised at least 263.9 million euro in funding – more than 180 million euro less as compared to last year. A lack of real outliers and skews this year results in a notable drop in funds, unfortunately. But even though the total numbers aren't too impressive, investments in medtech companies excel.

At StartupJuncture we make a big effort to report and collect all funding news about Dutch startups, in order to provide insights into the Dutch investment climate. The result is one of the most complete lists of startup deals closed in The Netherlands in 2016. Have a look at our previous reports of 2014 and 2015.

The data we published are for everyone to use. In this report, we've analyzed the data and spotted some trends. Anyone can use the full list for their own analysis however. If you do, please let us know, we'd love to see the results.

In 2015 we counted 150+ deals. This year the number didn't differ that much: 149. We noted a big difference in the average deal size, being 1.82 million euro in 2016, as compared to 2.82 million euro in 2015. The median investment this year was 600.000 euro, again slightly lower than last year: 650.000 euro.

Top 5 deals of 2016

Medtech startups are well represented in 2016's top 5 of funding rounds. Rank 1, 4 and 5 are for  G-Therapeutics (implants), Nightbalance (sleep apnea) and BlueBee (DNA analytics). Vicentra (6) and Gadeta (7) are just behind. Bynder (marketing software) and GitLab (coding platform) got silver and bronze.

Check out the entire report with graphs, tables and trends at StartupJuncture

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